It seems like only a few weeks ago, ………………………..well it was!!! Due to the election we will be seeing the first budget from the new Tory government. The date has been set as 22nd June. Join us here for some live Blogging and tweeting. I am sure there will be a few interesting changes afoot!
Monthly Archives: May 2010
The importance of Partnership Agreements
For many people getting involved in a business venture with others they know and trust is all about planning what they will do to make their business successful. It usually involves a multitude of issues focussing on finances, getting the product or service in front of prospective clients, selling and service levels. But for most…
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Hung, drawn and quartered – The Election 2010
What an exciting week last week with a hung parliament causing an almighty stir for the nation! We now know who the new government is; however, we are still not fully aware of how it will function. The Liberal Democrats and Conservatives are now working together to govern the country. But, what will this mean…
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