All small businesses need to keep a track of its accounting records. This is a simple cashbook template that can be used to list your income and expenditure. This was created in conjunction with Mouseproud.

Simplified Cash Book
A Slightly more simplified version of the cashbook with no macros etc. Please feel free to use and tailor as you wish.

Weekly sales sheet
A very useful cash income sheet for particularly useful for Pubs, Restaurants and Cafes.

Use of home as Office
A great calculator to create a Use of Home as Office charge to include within your accounts. This can be very useful for a home based business.
Updated for recent changes to Mortage interest/ rent rules

Limited Company versus Sole Trader
This calculator shows the potential tax savings that could be made by incorporating a business. It only identifies the basic factors and should be used alongside some professional advice.

Flat Rate Scheme Checker
A handy tool to see whether your business would benefit from being in the Flat Rate scheme for VAT

Expenses claim form
Employees, including directors need to keep a track of their business expenses, especially mileage. This spreadsheet can be used and will show the current VAT mileage rates. Note that if you use this calculator you should check it when the vat on mileage rates change.

P&L Forecasting template
A useful basic template for preparing a profit and loss forecast